Food and Drink

Celtic Cream Rum

On a sunny Sunday afternoon, whilst wandering around the Great British food festival held at Sudeley Castle, I saw loads of alcoholic stands, spirits, beer, vodka, gin and rum. There was so much booze there, I thought the name of the festival should be changed to reflect it. The vibe was great, loads of people and some very happy businesses selling their goods but there was only one stand that made me circle back (adhering to the one way system) and want to take another look. At the back of a tented trades stand, I found strange coloured, milky bottles, Celtic Cream liqueurs had brought a mixed rum to the festival.

The look of the fluid inside the clear glass bottles made me want to know more. Looking at the bottles, they listed coffee beans, mint, bourbon and the last one, was a banana and rum flavour. I was already intending to buy one, but I was offered a small snifter of a sample. Never wanting to turn down an offer, I asked to try the banana and rum flavour, the one that had my name all over it. As the drink was being poured I chatted to the people behind the stand. They explained that they owned and ran the business and were proud of their drink. As we chatted they told me that it was a family run affair based in Nottinghamshire.

They were happy to chat about their drinks and said that they knew they had brought something different to the fair and I had to agree with them. There was nothing else at the event, that had an appetising milky looking alcoholic drink. These were not mixer drinks, all were best drank, neat over ice. There was no need to buy anything else and I already had a tray of ice in the freezer.

Taking the small cup, the first thing I smelt was the sweet banana aroma, followed by a deeper smell of the rum right behind it. Trying to take my time, I swirled it around the cup a few times and took a few more deep sniffs but all I wanted to do was swallow the contents. It was not chilled and it was a warm day, which made the smell even more pungent and enticing.

Tasting Celtic Cream banana rum

The smell only got better and by the time my lips hit the edge of the cup my taste buds were already alight. The Celtic Cream Liqueur team really know their stuff, the hit of the banana instantly took over as the drink hit my tongue. It only lasted a few moments before the rum came through and gave that satisfying warmth to the back of my throat and remained there for a good while.

As you may know I like rum, (already having done Cloven Hoof and Koko Kanu) however this drink really excited me. The drink was delicious, and although I was already going for my wallet before the tasting, it only firmed up my decision to grab a bottle. The event price was reasonable and I seriously considered getting more than one but I had to use constraint. Taking the bottle and thanking them for bringing it to the event, I left the tented area and wanted to get home to try it out.

Sat at home with a glass full of ice, the drink was poured over and allowed to chill. The taste was just as good as it was at the fair, except it now had a cleaner, crisper taste, with the banana and rum taste dancing around my tongue, as I relaxed and enjoyed the moment of every sip.

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